13(0) 7-13, 1976
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An Analysis of the Mechanics Materials of Crouching Start Crouching start의 역학적(力學的) 분석(分析)
13(0) 15-21, 1976
An Analysis of the Mechanics Materials of Crouching Start Crouching start의 역학적(力學的) 분석(分析)
The purpose of this study, which is based on the results of J.W. kristler’s experiment, is to analyse mechanically and discuss some techniques necessary for various starts. For the purpose of effective start, the angle of a block, the vector of force and its course, and practical force arising from the vector of force, etc. have been considered. And the chara-teristics of bunch start, Medium start, and Elongated start are discussed with the help of a variety of reference books.
The conclusions are as follows:
1. The most efficient angles to get the most powerful force against both blocks are as follows:
2. The most efficent start form is that of Bunch start. The pratical driving force of the Bunch start gets its maximum force when the horisontal angle is 34°. This differs from the theoretical angle 40°-42°because it is the result excluded time and speed.
3. The most powerful driving force against the both blocks arises from Medium starts and Elongated start, because it take them longer time to push the two blocks on a account of the long distance between the two blocks.
4. Bunch from of which the horisontal angle is appropriate may be efficient when starting. However, the longer the distance between the two blocks is, the higher speed can be attained. Put it is doubtful whether the runner using the forms of longer distance between the two blocks can make up for the loger time while starting at the log run. It is a problem to be studied.
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수면시간(時間)이 신체능력(身體能力)과 축구기능(蹴球技能)에 미치는 영향(影響)
申範澈 , 李桂根
13(0) 23-35, 1976
수면시간(時間)이 신체능력(身體能力)과 축구기능(蹴球技能)에 미치는 영향(影響)
申範澈 , 李桂根
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A Survey on the Effective Method of Teaching Tennis 테니스경기(競技)의 효과적(效果的)인 지도방법(指導方法) - 초보자(初步者)를 중심(中心)으로 -
13(0) 37-42, 1976
A Survey on the Effective Method of Teaching Tennis 테니스경기(競技)의 효과적(效果的)인 지도방법(指導方法) - 초보자(初步者)를 중심(中心)으로 -
It is apparent that the population of tennis in Korea has grown up for past several years and accordingly large numbers of tennis courts have been newly established throughont the country. In this rapidly growing popularity nothing in more needed than how to coach effectively.
Many tennis beginners or even plaayers have been brought up with the conventional way which came not from the scientific and systematic study but from the personal experience of most trainers themselves. This conventional way holds some danger for its lack of scientific analysis and of the consideration on the physical constitution of the Oriental people compared to that of the Western. On these grownds the researcher has made an experiment in which some methods have been carried on as follows.
1. ten men with no actual experience of playing tennis were chosen from the age of 30 to 45.
2. these ten men were divided into two groups with the consideration of belance on each group.
3. Group A was taught by the conventional method and Group B was coached by the researcher with the experimental way.
4. The period experienced was 40 days from September lst to October 30th, 1973 except sundays and national holidays.
5. After this period Group A and Group B had an appraisal match with each one.
6. The Group B traine by the experiemental method defeated the Group A.
From these experimental coaching of tennis the author could gather some interesting results which can be of great help for the development of tennis in Korea.
1. the elenent of tennis play is put mostly on the ball’s speed.
2. In order to increase this speed, scientific technique of fundamental stroke is necessary.
3. The most effective orders of fundamental postere are;
1. swing 2. runing
3. bounce and stroke 4. receiving stroke
5. person-to-person stroke 6. a person-to-two stroke.
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A STUDY OF THE KOREAN'S ATTITUDES TOWARD PHYSICAL CULTURE AND CULTURISTS : (mainly Concerned with the Construction of Attitude Scales) 「한국인(韓國人)의 체육(體育)및 체육인(體育人)에 대한 태도연구(態度硏究)」 - 대도제작(大度製作)을 중심(中心)으로 -
13(0) 43-56, 1976
A STUDY OF THE KOREAN'S ATTITUDES TOWARD PHYSICAL CULTURE AND CULTURISTS : (mainly Concerned with the Construction of Attitude Scales) 「한국인(韓國人)의 체육(體育)및 체육인(體育人)에 대한 태도연구(態度硏究)」 - 대도제작(大度製作)을 중심(中心)으로 -
This study, as one of the works which attempt to introduce Thurstones’s Equal-Appearing-Interval-Technique to the measurement of Psychological dispositions on a Favor-disfavor con-tinum, purports to investigate the prevailing attitudes toward physical culture and culturists about which the korean intellectuals do seemingly expose certain psychological conflicts under the typical korean situations in culture and social environment.
The main purposes of this study are two-fold.
1) The construction of attitude scales by means of the Thurstone’s method in regard to the two concepts, physical culture and culturists.
2) A comparative study of different socio-psychological groups in terms of the attitude scores measured by the attitude scales constructed.
By the concept of physical culture as used in this study is meant the physical culture viewed as an academic field encompassing both theories and practieces, and by the concept of physical culturists, all those who are engaged in physical culture in one way or another--e. g., physical educators, trainers, athletes, and others associated with them.
The scale constructions are proceeded according to the Thurstone’s method from the initial stage of preparing questionaires (the numbers of questions concerning physical culture and culturists are 93 and 97, respectively) to the final construction of the scales(for the attitude scales constructed concerning physical culture and culturists, refer to Table-5 and Table-6, respectively).
The reliability of the scales were checked according to the Test-Retest method and the Split-Half method(Table-7 represents the tested reliability of the scales). Some Problems for the scale construction, however, are in the fact that the scale values do not maintain consistently a perfect equal distance and the questions on the extreme disfavor side are not sufficient enough.
Evaluation for the scale construction were entrusted to the 34 faculties of the Korea Military Academy whose majors include sociology, education, psychology, and other relevant disciplines. They are regarded as well qualified for the evaluations. The samples for this study are 3,943, selected in Seoul region by random method. They were in turn classified inte several groups according to age, sex, profession, and education.
Some of the interesting findings of this study are: Generally speaking, the attitudes toward physical culture and culturists may be said to be favorable or positive--i.e., the attitude score(average value) for the physical culture is 4.70(see Table-8), and the score for the physical culturists, 5.27(see Table-9), both of which are lower than 6.0, a midpoint value on the scales. However, that the score for the physical culturists is higher than that for the physicla culture by 0.57(to be closer to the score 6.0) seems to tell us that the Korean intellectuals’ attitudes toward physical culturists are somewhat more disfavorable or negative than those toward physical culture. This result may represent certain psychological conflicts among the Korean intellectuals in their attitudes toward physical culture and culturists--that is, physical culture is one thing, and physical culturists, another.
Any pioneering works are not, of course, without limitations. For a more meaning ful attitude score, not only the construction of more accurate scales but certain purposeful plan-ning for sample selection that may cover wider range of the psychological objects concerned would be necessary. Besides these, the following points may also be taken into account to increase validity of the research:
1) A comparison of the relative attitudes toward physical culture and other disciplines.
2) A more detailed classification of the physical culturists, and the corresponding scale construction and attitude survey.
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A Study on the Releationship between Posture & Environment (Basing upon the spinal curvature) 생활환경(生活環境)과 자세(姿勢)와의 상관연구(相關硏究)
13(0) 57-73, 1976
A Study on the Releationship between Posture & Environment (Basing upon the spinal curvature) 생활환경(生活環境)과 자세(姿勢)와의 상관연구(相關硏究)
In this study, I aimed at vouching for the meaning of the mutural coefficient, by analyzing the correlation between posture and Environment.
The results are as fellow:
On the wholes the correlation between healthy factors and spinal curvature ( cervical vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae, Lumbar vertebrae) is very low about 17-34. Except the cervic vertebrae curvature (0.30),
The correlation between clothing factors and spinal curvature shows low rate. Except the cervical vertebrae curvature (0.40),
The correlation between home work implements are shown to have the indivisible.
The results of calculation in the correlation between sleeping factors and spinal curvature proved the following; there arc the definite correlation (r=0.50).
The correlation between school environment factors and spinal curvature is high about 0.52.
The correlation between whole environmental factors and pasture are shown to have the definate relationship (r=0.61)
The result of x2- Test between whole envirnmental factors and posture is shown to have the significent at the p<0.01 level.
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Influences on Sports by Christainity < 기독교(基督敎)가 한국(韓國) 스포오츠에 미친 영향(影響) >
13(0) 75-81, 1976
Influences on Sports by Christainity < 기독교(基督敎)가 한국(韓國) 스포오츠에 미친 영향(影響) >
In the educational institutions by christains, they have contributed to educating students for making the character of "Wistom, Virtue and Sound Body," So that they have stimulated people to improve themselves and particularly Y.M.C.A has played the pioneering role for the directing and popularizing of sports through it’s positive activities from the beginning of the Korean Sports history, and it had been the only recreation center of the attempting for the intellectual and physical growth of the Korean Juvenile.
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林容圭Y.K.Lim , 白承一S.I.Back
13(0) 83-95, 1976
林容圭Y.K.Lim , 白承一S.I.Back
For the purpose of obtaining helpful materials for directional analysing and comparing the motion of high backward roll, using Vibration chronocycle graph method (time interval 0.05 sec), after photographing Locus of motion of one export and non-expert, get the following summary by the result of analysis and comparing fun dynamic method:
1. Both objects showed doing high backward roll using force at 0.05 sec. at which moment their hips reached on the mat.
2. It is estimated that the anklets area of force were Sub. A 82.41㎡ lesser than Sub. L and used convenient of the force with distance of body from the direction of foot.
3. Sub. A showed bigger area of force of 8.03 ㎡ more than Sub. L in doing high backward roll, spreading knee more rapidly in knee.
4. About hip, Sub. A did high backward roll spreading rapidly of hip and had 7.78 ㎡ bigger than Sub. L of the area of force.
5. About shoulder, the reason of 38.66 ㎡ lesser than Sub. L of the force area of Sub. A is because of the repid spreading upward of the knee and waist, and it is estimated that exhausted force so much lesser.
6. The reason of 114.39㎡ bigger force area of Sub. A than Sub. L until wrest reached at the mat is that Sub. A used more force of arm than Sub. L in rolling.
7. Sub. A Showed short time of completion of motion of high backward roll and, had Lesser locus bending and bigger force area of 9.1㎡ than Sub. L.
8. Sub. A used big force in wrist, knee and hip than Sub. L, the reason of using small force in ankle awl shoulder is that what kind of effects will be result for the high backward roll toward such position.
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A Scientific Analysis of the “CHA-GI” (kicing) Techniques of TAE KWON DO 태권도의 차기 기술분석(技術分析)
13(0) 97-106, 1976
A Scientific Analysis of the “CHA-GI” (kicing) Techniques of TAE KWON DO 태권도의 차기 기술분석(技術分析)
This study is to find out what are the better training methodolgies, between the simply reacted motion and the discriminative motion in Tae Kwon Do practice, especially on the speedy kicking techniques, with the Ap Joo Choom stance and the Ap Cha Gi. (most commonly used basic stance and kicking method in free fighting)
Randomly selected 30 Tae Kwon Do expert were taken as sample, and they were classified in to 3 groups of 10 members each; Lower dan group; 1st dan black belt holder
Middle dan group; 2nd-3rd dan black belt holder
Higher dan group; 4th-5th dan black belt holder
The deviced insturment for kicking speed analyzer; composed of flexible kicking targets of which height can be equalized to kicker’s face, stomach, lower part of belly, and also equiped with a simple stimulus signal or descrinative stimulus signal of light (red yellow green colored light bulb) for start kicking the designated target with 1/1000 Sec, measurable digital chrono scope.
The test of kicking speed was conducted in 5 minute interval on 10 trials.
The results obtained as follows.
1. kicking time and significant variance at simple start kicking signal
1) In kicking the face target
Lower dan group; on average 0.721 Sec.
Middle dan group; on avergae 0.660 Sec.
Higher dan group; on avergae 0.633 Sec.
The significant variance; p<0.01
2) In kicking the stomach target
Lower dan group; on avergae 0.641 Sec.
Middle dan group; on avergae 0.601 Sec.
Higher dan group; on avergae 0.5641 Sec.
The significant variance; p<0.01
3) In kicking the lower part of belly
Lower dan group; on avergae 0.614 Sec.
Middle dan group; on avergae 0.581 Sec.
Higher dan group; on avergae 0.541 Sec.
The significant variance; p<0.01
2. kicking time and significant variance at descritive start kicking signal
1) In kicking the face target
Lower dan group; on avergae 0.770 Sec.
Middle dan group; on avergae 0.701 Sec.
Higher dan group; on avergae 0.665 Sec.
The significant variance; p<0.01
2) In kicking the stomach targe
Lower dan group; on avergae 0.701 Sec.
Middle dan group; on avergae 0.640 Sec.
Higher dan group; on avergae 0.617 Sec.
The significant varinace; p<0.01
3) In kicking the lower part of belly
Lower dan group; on avergae 0.677 Sec.
Middle dan group; on avergae 0.616 Sec.
Higher dan group; on avergae 0.594 Sec.
The significant varivance; p<0.01
3. In kicking the face, stomach, lower part of belly according to the simple stimulus kicking start signal or descrimivative stimulus kicking start signal of each group; The kicking time is shortened according to the grade of dan in Tae Kwon Do is higher; with significant variance of p<0.01 level.
Above all kicking techniques of Tae Kwon Do can be preferably developed in use of both method such as Simply reacted motion and descriminative during the course of training instruction.
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배구의 효율적 준비자세의 실험적 검증 - 리시이브 동작의 속도를 중심으로 -
13(0) 107-111, 1976
배구의 효율적 준비자세의 실험적 검증 - 리시이브 동작의 속도를 중심으로 -
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배구력(排球力) 향상(向上)을 위한체력(體力) 훈련계획(訓練計劃)과 처방(處方)
13(0) 113-125, 1976
배구력(排球力) 향상(向上)을 위한체력(體力) 훈련계획(訓練計劃)과 처방(處方)
The Korean women’s volley team has come to rank among the best teams of the world and has experienced failures by narrow chance in winning top prizes of various international tornaments because of the limitations of the physical fitness. To overcome this weak point and get the best effect, some reasonable training method should be developed and the right understanding and knowhow of the method should also be exploited by the individual trainer and teacher. And these are the objective of this paper.